Clarence, NY 14032

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8am - 5pm

McGreevy Leadership

Celebrating 10 Years

Michael is a professionally trained leadership coach with a decade of experience working with high capacity business owners and executives.

About Michael McGreevy

Michael is a professionally trained leadership coach with a decade of experience working with high capacity business owners and executives. He partners with high achievers to create powerful break-throughs in key areas of their lives and businesses so they can lead with unshakable confidence and clarity. Through one on one coaching, mastermind groups and leadership training, he helps growth-minded CEO’s and Founders reach heights they never thought possible. His clients find clarity, confidence and awareness about who they truly are, what their strengths are and how to leverage them for exponential growth and impact.

Michael carefully curates a safe and confidential space for his clients as they together work through complex challenges in business and life. With a board to report to, executive personalities to navigate and employees to motivate; a trusted sounding board is often difficult to find. Michael is this trusted guide for leaders nationwide.

Michael is a man of faith, a devoted husband, a family man to the core and an entrepreneur. He lives in Clarence, New York with his wife and 3 kids.

Below you’ll find the results Michael's clients have achieved

 Schedule an exploratory conversation with Michael to explore the possibility of working together.